At SAIL we offer a comprehensive clinical development service with supreme skill and customised care to guarantee a successful project.
We offer a quality service focused on the needs of each project. All clients are important to us, and receive the utmost attention.
Our mission is to facilitate your work without stretching your budget.
Welcome to SAIL! We are a national clinical research organisation (CRO) offering a local service with a global level of quality.
We adapt to each product, need and client. We are a small company with a robust structure allowing us to dedicate the time that really matters, with a direct impact on costs and the ability to adapt to the specific needs of each client.
As we aim to adapt to each client’s needs, we deliver creative solutions. There is no single way of doing things, and we like a challenge. Without sacrificing quality, of course.
«If the wind is no use, grab the oars» – Latin proverb.